The mob of students that paraded down Wisconsin Avenue after the election of Barack Obama as US President on the first Tuesday night in November have clearly refused to stop their celebration. Many MU students called for "change" in this spring's MUSG president election and now they have it. Not spare change like some around here request but change that can make MUSG more efficient, more accessible to students, and more involved with the school administration.
Both John Kristan and Henry Thomas lost their presidential bids in a landslide of a defeat to the current US president and both were baffled as to how Obama was even on the ballot. It is being reported that Jason Lee, a sophomore engineering student who resides in Carpenter Hall, was able to hack into the system and change the ballots to include a write-in candidate.
"Haha! Those suckers! I thought it would be hilarious to put in a write-in candidate so I could write 'Harry Balls'. Seriously, that's the funniest name I could think of. That will show those MUSG pricks!" Lee said.
Once the average Marquette student went into vote, writing Barack Obama into the write-in slot seemed like a no-brainer. Obama would call for change immediately once he was able to witness the inefficiencies of Marquette University Student Government. Obama would fix the Student Organization Allocation with a giant bailout. He would also win your team an intramural basketball championship and play a Ba-rock-and-roll concert at The Annex. He would follow that up by building the behind schedule Wells Street median with his bare hands in less than a day. Then, he would work with Student Health Services to find a cure for cancer.
President Obama could not be reached for comment on the story. University President Robert A. Wild could also not be reached for comment. It is doubtful that Obama will accept a demotion to MUSG President but many students remain hopeful that Obama will come and bring his revolution with him.
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