by Sarah Houlihan, Frequent Class Disturbance
How dare you try to quiet me down. Don't you know who I am? For Christ's sake, I was in the prom court in high school. Every guy within a 30 mile radius wanted to take me there. Yeah, you think I would have gotten a little humbled during my freshman year of college? Think again, I got even more important when I came to Marquette. I gave my number to like 200 upperclassmen during orientation alone. You know how many people I have on my iPhone that need to talk to me right now? A bazillion. Your lecture on psychology is nowhere near important as what party I will be attending this weekend. And yes, for your information, it will be an exclusive, invite only fraternity party somewhere, maybe even at the Hilton downtown. What are you going to do this weekend Mr. Professor? Sit on your ass and contemplate the philosophy of the universe? Thought so. So next time don't assume my weekends aren't important.
Respect? Just because you have 2 letters in front of your name and some fancy piece of paper in your office doesn't mean anything to me. Hell, I could get one of those easily. Also, don't even try to tell me I'm wasting time and money. Do you even know who my Daddy is? He's a freakin lawyer. He will sue your ass. Straight up. This tuition is nothing for him, I can do whatever I want. I'm so important, I'm also from the most important city in the world. You don't mess with us from Chicago. And yea, the actual CITY not the freakin weak suburbs.
Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to text my friends again and perhaps even blatantly disrupt your class with an l-o-l or two. Then after that I'm going to eat my lunch and slurp from a fruit cup.
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