In an act of unprecedented self-love, Rapper Kanye West disclosed to Blue and Yellow-media reporters that he plans to rush-release an unannounced best-selling, award winning album next Tuesday-- and he has already bought all copies. West, who has previously set milestone achievements in the music industry (he out-sold Fiddy Cent), gaining prestige as a prodigy producer/ leach off Jay-Z's already flourishing career, prides himself on bigger, better achievements. As if his already record selling records weren't good enough, West constantly needs to outdo himself (in public, again. no ego necessary). Not only has West already bought and paid for all pre-release copies, he is only running a limited release and he has paid for all future releases, making his yet unnamed album the greatest selling CD nobody will ever hear. Fans are not really suprised, however, after his last outing, 808s and Heartbreaks, failed to show any artist talent whatsoever. Mister Ye's Bono-like self-worship is what is impressing most. Being the humble and socially aware individual he is, West was happily available for comment, stating that "This is probably the bes' work of art anybody has ever made. If Da Vinci painted music, this is what it would sound like. Even Beethoven would bump this s***." Wise and well-chosen words, spoken like a true genius, Kanye. No matter, however. West's work will surely speak for itself. And if we get lucky, maybe this best-selling unrealse will stay off the radio.
Sometimes the voice of a generation sounds best when it shuts the f*** up.
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